Inspiring great work & better value from your agency
What is it?
Clients and Agencies who have either just started working together or a new team is put in place often come to loggerheads after the initial honeymoon period.
This is because familiarity leads to short cuts and expediency. This course is an exploration in to what makes agencies consistently produce their best work and deliver greater results for your brand or business.
Who is it for?
This course is particularly helpful for those in the Marketing Department who have regular day to day contact with their agencies. They may be traditional above the line, below the line, digital and Social Media, PR or Media agencies.
To instil in delegates the skills to be able to create clear alignment between themselves and their agencies. By the end of the session we want delegates to feel confident in expressing their points of view and be able to deliver feedback in a more constructive and positive way in order to get the best work and best value from their agency relationships.
This course can run as a half or full day.